Throughout the years

Throughout the years


WBCR - The Zero's Division's Stand (Grade: A)

This chapter was a relatively short read AND was released a day earlier on MangaPanda (not yet on MangaStream) ~ Hence why this week's WBCR is posted today rather than tomorrow or Friday. However, I somewhat knew that the Zero Division couldn't be defeated so easily and that deploying a decoy of the King's Palace to fool the enemy was all part of the grand plan. They're the freaking Zero Division ~ stronger than all the Gotei 13 combined. All of them have rightfully earned their rightful spot alongside the Spirit King and it'd be a shame if they were to die easily just because they've finally come across mighty foes such as Yhwach's caliber. The chapter starts off with what appears of Senjumaru's dead body getting destroyed as to create a pathway for Yhwach, but soon they've come to realize the landscape began shifting. Senjumaru, Osho, Kirio, & Oetsu appear and are dead set in fighting Yhwach's Elite. Kirio explains that the trap caging (The Cage of Life) Yhwach's Elite, no matter how much its attack, only feeds it reiatsu and only grows stronger ~ making it impossible to trample it all down. Oetsu makes a dramatic entrance and pretty much says he'll take them all on. Overall, I liked this chapter a lot more because it's a perfect setup for the two parties to clash ~ Yhwach & his Elite & the Zero Division. However, we all know the Star & his ragtag team will steal the show the moment the two parties clash. I love the Zero Division ~ each character is given not much depth, but the gravitas of their role makes up for it as they now face an ultimate foe; defending the Spirit King is their sole duty and with that being said ~ major @$$ will need a kicking. Although the other fights in the Gotei 13 are okay, I personally am really looking forward to seeing the Zero Division because they're only 5 people and together, they are mightier, stronger, faster, & wiser than the entire Gotei 13. Yhwach's Elite can only do so much, but if they can somehow match par with them or even have an advantage, it'd be an interesting matchup to see. For this week, I'm giving this chapter's grade a A because I'm thrilled in seeing the Zero Division's comeback (despite it's cliche-ness, the decoy was inevitable as the heavily guarded palace couldn't possibly be run down that fast without a fight).

So what did you think of this week's chapter? Good? Bad? Somewhere in the middle? Comment below and let me know. As always, look forward to WBCRs whenever chapter's available (Normally Wednesdays, but if not ~ Thursdays-Fridays) AND when I have the time to post, give my thoughts, & explain properly what I thought about the chapter overall. Until then, you all stay classy. 

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