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Bleach Fantasy II Round 4: Kenpachi Zaraki vs. Jecht

Welcome back to another installment of Bleach Fantasy II where MechG & I once again collaborate on pitting the world of Bleach & the various installments of the Final Fantasy franchise. On Wednesday, the third victory once again went Final Fantasy (FF leads 3-0 against Bleach), but many things can happen. Like MechG said, Bleach Fantasy II posts will be on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays. My daily schedule of Affinity, Watch-list, WBCR, & Throwback posts will be the same as always (if delayed, posts will be on weekends). Without further ado, let's get started on Bleach Fantasy II Round 4 ~ Kenpachi Zaraki vs. Jecht. Take into account that Storyline and Powers/Abilities are the deciding factors. MechG & I will switch-off ever 3 rounds in giving the verdict. Let's jam!

Storyline (Kenpachi)
Prior to becoming the 11th Captain of the Gotei 13 or heck, even before meeting his future Lieutenant, Kenpachi was born in the lawless district in the North Valley of Rukongai - Zaraki. As a child, he took it upon himself to take the Zanpaktou of a already dead Shinigami and implanted his soul upon it to make it officially his. His renowned swordsmanship improved overtime as he garnered the attention of then 11th Division Captain & current "Kenpachi," Yachiru Unohana. This was the first fight Zaraki felt anxious and fearful of his life, but later came to admire and respect her. Sometime later, he met a little girl and named her after his admirer and the district she was born in - Yachiru Kusajishi. He, alongside Yachiru, also met Ikkaku & Yumichika, now forming the current 11th Division. Zaraki Kenpachi took it upon himself to kill the current "Kenpachi" and became the new 11th Division Captain. During his time as a Captain, he was trained in the art of Kendo by then Captain-Commander, Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto. 

At the very beginning of the Rescue Arc, Kenpachi Zaraki was one of Ichigo's opponents (the first two being against Ikkaku & Renji). The two fought valiantly and it came out to be a draw, but Kenpachi, admiring Ichigo's strength and tenacity, gave him the victor. Sometime after recovering, Kenpachi aids Ichigo's team in saving Rukia and challenged Kaname & Komamura, putting both his life & rank at state in aiding Ichigo's cause to rescue Rukia. It wouldn't be long before the Soul Society has to face its new enemy - Aizen Sousuke & his army of Arrancars. Kenpachi, alongside Byakuya, was forced to take-back Captain Hitsugaya's squadron as to prevent further assistance in Ichigo's rescuing of Orihime. However, deep down, Kenpachi could care less about orders as he, Byakuya, Unohana, & Kurotsuchi enter Hueco Mundo and fight against the Espada. Here, Kenpachi fought valiantly against Nnoitra. Kenpachi almost lost his life, but he remembers the Old Man (Yamamoto) teaching him Kendo. Utilizing what he taught from the Old Man, Kenpachi subdues Nnoitra. After Aizen's defeat, the Soul Society has to deal with its new enemy - the Wandenreich, led by Yhwach. Kenpachi easily defeats 3 Stern Ritters, but lost terribly to Yhwach as he holds him by the neck, almost lifeless. It wasn't until later where Captain Kyoraku, now 1st Division Captain after Yamamoto's death, tells the Central 46 that Yachiru Unohana will train Zaraki Kenpachi in the art of fighting. The two Kenpachi(s) fight with Zaraki ending up winning against his former admirer, but is saddened by her loss as it is the most entertaining fight he's ever had. He hears a voice coming from his Zanpaktou, now being able to communicate with it as he could never had in the past. It is recently revealed that he learned of his Zanpaktou's name - Nozarashi after having fought against Gremmy "The Visionary Thoumeaux and nearly saving Yachiru's life (although her whereabouts are unknown). However, before Kenpachi had anytime time to relax after Gremmy dug his own grave, the TGPZ Sisters (Thunderbolt, Glutton, Power, & Zombie) arrived, did considerable damage to both KEnpachi & his squadron, and is left on the floor - weakened by the combined efforts of the enemy attacks. Ichigo shows up in aiding the weakened Kenpachi. Later, we see Kenpachi appear before Mayuri Kurotsuchi, ready to be on the offense against Yhwach & the Wandenreich. 

Storyline (Jecht)

Jecht was seen as the best there is, the best there was, and the best there will be as a Blitzball star who is revered by the people of Zanarkand. However, his career turned for the worst as he started to give in to alcoholism. While out practicing out in sea, Jecht suddenly vanished after coming across Sin. With his disappearance, his wife died from depression and the city of Zanarkand commemorated him, holding annual Blitzball tournaments in his memory. Jecht awoke in Spira in the city of Bevelle and started to claim on how he hailed from Zanarkand. Though unaware that the Zanarkand he resided in was a dream version of the real city that is seen as a “holy land” to Spira, one that was brought into ruins due to the Machina War and the creation of Sin a long time ago, many of the Spirans saw Jecht as a drunk lunatic and threw him in jail. He received a visit from the high summoner Braska and was asked to become his guardian along with a warrior monk named Auron. Jecht agreed and before they departed, he met Braska’s daughter, Yuna and told her about the Zanarkand he resided from. Though Jecht committed some misdemeanors early on in the pilgrimage, he would later mature after finding out he can never return to the dream Zanarkand he hailed from. Upon reaching the ruins of the actual Zanarkand, Jecht volunteered to be Braska’s Final Aeon. Before the Final Summoning, Jecht asked Auron to look after his son, Tidus, believing in him that he’d find a way to enter the dream Zanarkand. Though Auron protested Jecht’s choice to become the Final Aeon and reiterating that Sin would come back, Jecht assured him he would find a way to break Sin’s cycle of destruction and rebirth.

Years after Braska’s sacrifice to defeat Sin with the Final Summoning, Jecht becomes incarnated as the new Sin after Yu Yevon possessed his Final Aeon form. In the form of Sin, Jecht starts to attack the dream Zanarkand, but with a purpose of luring Auron and Tidus back into Spira. With Jecht still manifested inside the beast, Sin starts attacking in some areas of Spira, particularly in Kilika and in the Mushroom Rock during Operation Mi’Hen. Tidus starts sensing Jecht’s presence inside Sin after being in denial after Auron told him the truth that Sin is Jecht. After Sin listens to the “Hymn of the Fayth” beneath the ice of Lake Macalania, the song that Jecht enjoyed, Tidus accepts what he needs to do: free his father from his fate and finding a way to break the cycle. Using the Al Bhed Airship to play the “Hymn of the Fayth” across Spira, every Spiran starts to sing along, calming Sin. Tidus and the party took the chance to assault Sin and find a way to get inside its core. Successfully reaching the core, the party confronts Jecht and Jecht transforms into Braska’s Final Aeon. Upon his defeat, he talked to his son, Tidus one last time, eventually making peace and putting their past issues with each other to rest. After Yu Yevon is defeated, Jecht reunites with Tidus after his son fades into the Farplane with the two sharing a jovial high five.

Powers/Abilities (Kenpachi)
Prior to becoming a full-fledged Captain, he was renowned in swordsmanship - testing out his blade to any who oppose him. Even as a kid, Yachiru Unohana, the former 11th Division Captain & 1st Kenpachi, said that she was too much for Zaraki. As a Captain, Zaraki Kenpachi learned Kendo from Captain Yamamoto - amplifying his spirit energy a lot more than when he just used one arm in swinging his sword. Kenpachi's Zanpaktou is always in its Shikai state - amplifying his Spirit energy to the point where he has become a feared and renowned Captain. He was able to take-on both Kaname Tosen & Sajin Komamura in their Bankai states and this was way before he used Kendo on Nnoitra or found out that his Zanpaktou finally communicated with him. In fighting Yachiru Unohana to the death, he unlocked his true power and resolve. One of Kenpachi's strongest attributes is his ability to endure blow by blow by his opponents - having enhanced endurance, durability, and strength in combat. Much like a brick wall, it'll take a lot before it can truly be toppled. His Reiatsu truly is unruly when it comes to combat - exerting everything when his eyepatch is off (which conceals his Spirit Energy). As a Captain, he is one of the strongest in representing the Gotei 13. As said before, Kenpachi learned of his Zanpaktou's real name ~ Nozarashi. Although its abilities are unknown, it was able to cut down the Meteorite that Gremmy imagined and anything and everything that stood in its path. It's a huge-@$$ blade that can pretty much cut through any object. 

Powers/Abilities (Jecht)
Though his powers/abilities in his human form are unknown, majority of his known powers/abilities are revealed in his Aeon form identified as Braska’s Final Aeon. In Braska’s Final Aeon form, Jecht transforms from his human form to a brute, giant-like figure armed with a giant sword drawn from his chest. He’s also surrounded by two Yu Pagodas that heal him from any damage absorbed and can cast Sleep, Poison, Darkness, Silence, and any other status ailments simultaneously. One of Jecht’s regular skill sets in the Aeon form is his Jecht Beam that he shoots from his eyes, which causes Petrification, turning any party member into stone. In his Aeon form, Jecht has two Overdrives: Triumphant Grasp and Ultimate Jecht Shot. During Triumphant Grasp, Jecht grabs one party member, suffocates the life of him/her, unleashing an explosion of energy blasts and throwing him/her to the ground, resulting in massive damage. In Ultimate Jecht Shot, Jecht puts his giant sword down, calls forth a giant meteor and slams it towards the party, resulting in multiple explosions unleashed on the party and causing significant damage. 

Verdict (By Stillmattic)
And the winner is....
I will openly admit, I knew this victory was gonna go to Kenpachi because, for f*ck's sake, he's Ken-muthafu*ckinpachi Zaraki. He feels no pain, feels no fear, and is a battle hungry mongrel whose thirst for battle is unshakable. Jecht started at the top of his game whereas Kenpachi was at a all-time low and that's when he had to build himself up from scratch, make a name for himself, and eventually become the renowned and feared Captain of the 11th division. Jecht's abilities are pretty impressive ~ resulting in explosions, unleashing energy blasts, and shooting a beam from his eyes. To Kenpachi, that sh*t's cute because none of what Jecht offers is gonna considerably damage him. Kenpachi just learned his Shikai for f*ck's sake, how much more stronger has he gotten beforehand? In brawns, Kenpachi has it all and NOW he has a Shikai that can f*cking destroy a muthaf*ckin meteorite, you think Jecht will stand a chance against this Beast? Kenpachi is the equivalent of Marvel's The Incredible Hulk ~ he's unstoppable. Kenpachi is so damn strong that anyone, friend or foe, fears the sh*t out of him. You think Jecht gonna scare him? Hell no! That's why this victory, for all intents and purposes, goes to the renowned Demon of the 11th division ~ Kenpachi Zaraki.

So who do you think won this matchup? Kenpachi Zaraki from Bleach or Jecht from Final Fantasy X? Comment below and let us know. Reiterating again, Bleach Fantasy Round II posts will be on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays w/MechG & I interchanging every 3rd matchups on giving the verdict. Bleach Fantasy Round II standings (3-1):

1) Yoruichi Shihoin vs. Prishe ~ Final Fantasy (Verdict by MechG)
2) Uryu Ishida vs. Hope Estheim ~ Final Fantasy (Verdict by MechG)
3) As Nodt vs. Vincent Valentine ~ Final Fantasy (Verdict by MechG)
4) Kenpachi Zaraki vs. Jecht ~ Bleach (Verdict by Stillmattic)

P.S. There'll be Back-to-Back WBCRs this week since I was unable post last week's review. Until then, stay classy as always! Throwback post will be up soon. 

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